Why Do People Hold Onto Clutter?

Robin Rainbow Gate
3 min readJan 4, 2021
Photo by Onur Bahçıvancılar on Unsplash

What are some reasons people hold onto clutter?

In short, comfort and security.

Which boils down to fear.

It is scary to step outside the bounds of society and family, landing in a place potentially void of understanding, support and compassion, let alone agreement!

I have lived simply for over 25 years and I am happy with my lifestyle. It suits me. I don’t like going to the mall. Even going into the nearby town or city can be over-stimulating, (though useful).

What I Love About the Mall

All this said, I admit that sometimes I love going to the mall. The excitement of all the “stuff” radiates a sense of security that as a human I long for.

When I’m in the mall and see all that “stuff”, I feel a promise, albeit a false one, of permanence. Of safety through material goods and possessions.

It is as if the motivations and intentions of my European forebears have penetrated through inventions and technology, short-sighted selfish rape of earth’s resources, and fundamentally a desire to find a way to gain control over nature — are injected into the stuff before me.

And it feels good. And part of me wants it, too.

The Deep Reason for Holding Onto “Stuff”

So, once every two years or so, I go to the mall and get my fix. I get filled up on the promise of stuff and all that the store’s fixtures, systems and merchandise imply. I get excited and overstimulated but temporarily energized.

Then I go home and wash it off and likely go to bed early, utterly exhausted.

And this, is why some people might hold onto clutter: For the sense of security material possessions bring through familiarity, belonging, and way deep down — the false promise of dominion over nature and the hope that all this richness, goodness and comfort will never end.

Things and clutter, cover up the empty space of not-knowing, of no security, no control, no immortality.

The space that is revealed when clutter is eliminated doesn’t cover anything.

On the contrary, without clutter, there is no hiding from the beauty, the terror and the tenuousness that beneath all the junk and distractions, is life.

I write and coach to midlife women seeking to experience a soulful, connected life of self-care, listening, honoring and respect — with focus on simple living, nature, and care of the earth.

www.takegoodcareofyouwellness.com/blog is my lifestyle blog. From the indigenous Mexican village where I reside, I share stories, reflections, inspiration and tools for midlife women hungry for their most fulfilling life, now

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Robin Rainbow Gate

Writing & coaching midlife women hungry for a soulful, connected life of self-care, respect & listening, focused on simple living, nature & care of the earth